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Bringing Together Rural, Regional and Remote Women

RRR Women is a Queensland based not for profit incorporated organisation, founded in 1993 by Jan Darlington.

Our purpose is to CONNECT, DEVELOP and INSPIRE the wonderful women in our Rural, Regional and Remote Queensland areas. All strategic objectives are designed to support and develop the capacity of Queensland RRR women through education, to overcome adversity, develop leadership and participate in decision-making.

Fundamental to our purpose is building the capacity of RRR women using our networks to reach these women, and build their capacity through:

  • Connection; creating inclusive safe environments and providing capacity building programs.
  • Networking; connecting RRR women with individuals, businesses, government and organisations.
  • Inspiration; inspiring RRR women to realise their potential, be influential, contribute and share their stories.

RRR Women is also proud to facilitate our Embracing Leadership Program; a free bespoke development program for rural, regional and remote Queensland women, funded by the Australian Government.

The organisation is still a not for profit incorporated organisation. The QRRRWN Board meets 8+ times per year to provide direction for QRRRWN’s growth and development, strategise and advocate for of Queensland RRR women. The Board consists of amazing and unique women with lived and worked RRR experience, working together to highlight and champion RRR issues. Consultants have been commissioned to help develop 2021-2024 strategic and operations plan to meet exciting new objectives.

Connect with us, come to our upcoming events, and join QRRRWN!

Feedback & Confidential Complaints

We welcome feedback from our members and friends of QRRRWN. We also have in place a confidential complaint’s mechanism that can be utilised and is managed by an external provider, Integrity Line.

Please see our risk management page for how to provide feedback, utilising our confidential complaints mechanism. Click here. The 2020 Board also has approved and implemented a number of policies that apply to our services and initiatives.

Our Supporters

QRRRWN is a not-for-profit. It relies on grants, donations and sponsorship. Thank you to our current supporters.